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  • Assisted weight loss injection

  • Show all 2 services

  • Assisted Weight Loss Injection

    So what's it all about, simply this !!

    You will lose weight with the injection because you will eat less, and feel fuller when you do eat. The injection does this by by targeting an area in the brain (called GLP-1 receptors) that help to regulate your appetite and how much you eat. It closely mimics a natural hormone in the body called incretin, which is made primarily in our digestive tract.

    15 minutes, £25.00

  • Assisted Weight Loss Injection Bundle - Frist Visit

    Bundle Package of 5 injections, one per week. 

    You can book your first visit online, then one of the team will been the next four while you are in clinic 

    So what's it all about, simply this !!

    You will lose weight with the injection because you will eat less, and feel fuller when you do eat. The injection does this by by targeting an area in the brain (called GLP-1 receptors) that help to regulate your appetite and how much you eat. It closely mimics a natural hormone in the body called incretin, which is made primarily in our digestive tract.

    15 minutes, £90.00

  • Anti-wrinkle Treatments

  • Show all 10 services

  • Anti-wrinkle Injections- 1area Botox

    30 minutes, £90.00

  • Anti-wrinkle Injections- 2 Areas Botox

    30 minutes, £120.00

  • Anti-wrinkle Injections- 3 Areas Botox

    30 minutes, £130.00

  • Anti-wrinkle Review

    This service is to review your treatment with your therapist.

    Please note: Your review will have been booked at the time of your original appointment within a 2-week period no more than 3 weeks

    Any treatments after this 3-week period will be classed as a new treatment and charge accordingly 

    It is your responsibility to maintain your appointment, any cancellations will not extend this 3-week period. 

    15 minutes, £0.00

  • Mouth Corner Lift

    A Mouth Corner Lift works to raise the drooping corners of the lips. Anti-wrinkle treatment such as Botox, can be used for a downturned mouth. This is administered to the muscle that is responsible for pulling the mouth down. As a result, the corners of the lips appear more neutral when the face is relaxed. 

    15 minutes, £40.00

  • Bunny Lines

    bunny lines are the diagnol wrinkles thst appaer one either side of your nose , anti wrinkle inections can be used to reduce the appearance.

    15 minutes, £40.00

  • Gummy Smile

    Anti wrinkle injections can be used to reduce the appearance of a gummy smile aalowing you so smile without showing your gums 

    15 minutes, £40.00

  • Cobble Chin /Chin Wrinkles

    Anti wrinkle injections can be used to relax the muscle in the chin for a smoother appearance 

    15 minutes, £40.00

  • Nefertiti Neck Lift

    Using anti wrinkle inections specifically targeting the neck and jawline can help smooth out fine lines and wrinkles for a rejuvanating and lifting effect , but cant reduce the amount of skin you have or remedy serious amount of sagging .

    20 minutes, £130.00

  • Lip Flip

    15 minutes, £40.00

  • Dermal Fillers

  • Show all 10 services

  • Lip Filler 1ml

    30 minutes, £100.00

  • Lip Filler 0.5ml

    30 minutes, £70.00

  • 1 Ml Facial Fillers- Read Description

    £100 per ML


    Nasolabial folds

    Cheek Enhancements

    Fine Lines

    30 minutes, £100.00

  • Lip Fillers 1ml With Juvederm

    1ml £170

    30 minutes, £170.00

  • Lip Fillers 0.5ml With Juvederm

    0.5ml  £100


    30 minutes, £100.00

  • Tear Trough Filler

    30 minutes, £160.00

  • Lip Filler Dissolver

    15 minutes, £70.00

  • Offer: 2ml Jaw/cheek Enhancement Package

    2ml of filler on the same appoinment used for cheek or Jaw enhancement. 

    30 minutes, £150.00

  • 8 Point Facelift

    1 hour, £300.00

  • 1ml Filler Nose To Mouth

    Special offer usually £100 now £80 for 1 ml of filler for nose to mouth with Angie for the rest of April 

    30 minutes, £80.00

  • Laser Treatments

  • Carbon Facial

    A carbon peel laser facial can do wonders for your skin. This 30-minute laser peel uses an organic, detoxifying carbon mask with potent anti-oxidants to micro-exfoliate the skin. Together, the laser and carbon mask vaporise dirt and remove bacteria for softer, smoother and more radiant skin. The result is a Hollywood red carpet ready skin look and feel.

    Carbon laser treatment is one of the most-loved non-invasive facial rejuvenation treatments. Because of the lack of downtime and immediate results, there aren’t many treatments as efficient at achieving a youthful complexion as a carbon facial.



    A carbon liquid is applied and set on the skin. The carbon liquid cleans out your pores and rebalances oily skin. As the liquid sets, the laser first targets the melanin (pigmentation) in the skin using low energy pulses, breaking it up before it is naturally removed by the body. It then heats deep layers of the dermis stimulating the skin to produce collagen and heal itself. The heat from the laser also allows the carbon liquid to bind to and clean the skin.

    The process is near-painless but is booming in popularity due to its holistic and comprehensive rejuvenation properties. In fact, you will see the Hollywood glow after just one session.

    30 minutes, £70.00

  • Facial Treatments

  • Show all 16 services

  • Microneedling

    30 minutes, £35.00

  • Million Dollar Facial

    The Million Dollar Facial is a luxurious facial where science meets indulgence. We work your skin from the outside in. By using methods such as dermaplaning, micro-needling and an hyaluronic acid serum we give you instant results of a smooth and glowing complexion.

    45 minutes, £55.00

  • Dermaplaning

    What is dermaplaning? Dermaplaning is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure for your skin. Your healthcare provider uses a special instrument to remove  the uppermost layers of your skin and peach fuzz(Vellus hair ) . Dermaplaning can help reduce the appearance of acne scars or other skin imperfections by revealing newer, undamaged skin.

    30 minutes, £30.00

  • Basic Radio Frequency Treatment

    30 minutes, £30.00

  • Derma - Lux - The Full Package

    • Dermaplanning
    • Enzyne Peel
    • Skin Tightening HA
    • Radio Frequency
    • Facial Massage

    1 hour, £55.00

  • Radio Frequency Face and Neck

    30 minutes, £35.00

  • The Trio !!! Skin Awakening Package

    This luxury treatment includes 


      enzyme peel 

      collagen radio frequency face massage

      facial massage with oil 

      micro needling with hyloronic acid serum 

    1 hour 15 minutes, £75.00

  • Hydro Dermabrasion Facial


    The gentle abrasion tool removes the top layer of dead skin and provides a crystal-free exfoliation:

    Water is sprayed over skin at a supersonic speed, removing dead skin cells and allowing deep hydration.

    The gentle water jet releases the pores from dirt, cosmetic residues, toxic substances, excessive sebum and bacteria.

    The process itself takes about 15-20 minutes. The water that is used can be infused with minerals and vitamins – depending on your skin’s type and needs.

    The treatment will increase circulation to your skin.

    Hydrodermabrasion can be used as a preparatory step to a facial treatment, just like a scrub, and will provide better absorption for all the nutrients that will follow.

    This treatment will not over-exfoliate – the peeling is super gentle to your skin.

    It’s very relaxing, with zero discomfort felt.


    Hydrodermabrasion is highly effective in improving the skin’s overall texture, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and giving deeper hydration to the skin. Congested and enlarged pores will become cleaner and smaller over time, if you stick to a regular facial regime.



    It’s an excellent choice for people who have tender or very sensitive skin. Super effective if you have darker skin tones, ageing skin, skin that is congested and/or blemished, as well as dry skin. Oily skin can benefit too as hydro-dermabrasion helps to make it less greasy, and pores can be shrunk.

    It’s totally suitable for both ladies and gents, but the face has to be freshly shaved.

    If you have mild acne scars, their appearance can be reduced, and fine lines can be decreased. Your skin will see the results immediately after the procedure.

    It’s the perfect treatment if you need a gentle but thorough facial directly before a big event, such as a wedding.

    If you have dark spots like age-spots and hyper-pigmentation here and there, hydro-dermabrasion will help to eliminate them over time.

    45 minutes, £45.00

  • Double Up Collagen Boost

    Radio frequency skin tightening  plus micro needling giving you a double boost of collagen .

    45 minutes, £50.00

  • Glow and Go Express Facial

    Busy schedule ??? then this 30 min facial is perfect for you!

    This includes...

    Double cleanse ,steam ,exfoliationusing mechanicalor chemical exfoliant,extraction,facial massage and a facial mask targeted to your skin type.

    30 minutes, £30.00

  • Microtox Facial


    Introducing !!!! Microtox facial !!

    What is Microtox? Microtox is a precise artistic approach to rejuvenation and skin tightening of the face. The Microtox technique lifts and firms up the skin while decreasing pore size, reducing skin laxity and skin redness, and clearing up fine lines, wrinkles, creases and crow's feet in the process.
    Using anti wrinkle and microneedling together to administer the product into the skin to achieve amazing results ! 
    Introductory offer £100 

    30 minutes, £100.00

  • Hydra Back Facial

    Back facials are great because they work equally well for men and for women. Even individuals who are not battling with back acne see the benefits of a back facial. The deep skin exfoliation, the moisturizing, and the cleansing are great for one of the largest swatches of skin on your body.  

    45 minutes, £45.00

  • Clinicare REFRESH Chemical Peel

    The CLINICCARE Refresh Peel is a superficial glycolic acid peel suitable for an anti-ageing and skin rejuvenation effect. The CLINICCARE Refresh AHA Peel is a superficial chemical peel that removes the upper layers of the epidermis (pH 1.55). It strengthens the skin and stimulates collagen synthesis.

    Suitable for:

    • Ageing skin
    • Photo damaged skin
    • Rough texture, fine lines and wrinkles
    • Enlarged pores, dull, sallow skin color


    REFRESH  Chemical Peel Treatment includes a double cleanse massage, application and removal of the peel and then a soothing sterile mask, Soothing and rejuvenating sheet mask with hyaluronic acid for a targeted anti-pigmentation and anti-ageing effect.

    30 minutes, £45.00

  • Clinicare GLOW Chemical Peel

     CLINICCARE Glow AHA Peel is a superficial glycolic acid peel effective in treating hyper-pigmentation, age spots, sun damage and dull, tired skin.

    The CLINICCARE Glow AHA Peel is a mild superficial glycolic acid peel which will remove the upper layer of the epidermis (pH 1.7). It inhibits melanin synthesis, brightens the skin, evens out discolouration and is safe to use on darker skin.

    Suitable for: 

    • Photo damaged skin
    • Hyperpigmentation
    • Rough texture, fine lines and wrinkles
    • Enlarged pores, dull , sallow skin colour 
    • Ageing skin 
    • GLOW Chemical Peel Treatment includes a double cleanse massage, application and removal of the peel and then a soothing sterile mask, Soothing and rejuvenating sheet mask with hyaluronic acid for a targeted anti-pigmentation and anti-ageing effect

    30 minutes, £45.00

  • Clinicare PURE Chemical Peel

    The CLINICCARE Pure BHA Peel is a mild salicylic acid peel suitable for acne treatment and the improvement of skin texture this peel is a light superficial chemical peel that will remove the upper layers of the epidermis (pH 2.4). This peel is suitable for acne treatments and can be used to improve skin texture.


    Suitable for:


    • Inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne

    • Blackheads and comedones

    • Rough texture, fine lines and wrinkles

    • Enlarged pores

    • Skin ageing

    • PURE Chemical Peel Treatment includes a double cleanse massage, application and removal of the peel and then a soothing sterile mask, Soothing and rejuvenating sheet mask with hyaluronic acid for a targeted anti-pigmentation and anti-ageing effect.

    30 minutes, £45.00

  • Derma Bio Glass Facial

    Innovative complex of 3 different molecular weights of HA, low, med and high.

    Vitamin A - also known as retinol - only when it has been esterified (changed with palmitic acid). This helps to speed up healing, prevents breakouts and support the skin's immune system. It also promotes natural moisturising - which means it helps to hydrate the skin effectively, giving it a radiant glow. It assists in promoting and maintaining a healthy dermis and epidermis. Retinol increases skin cell production (proliferation). It helps unclog pores.

    Retinol also exfoliates the skin and increases collagen production, which can reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, giving the skin a fresher, plump appearance.

    Vitamin E acetate - also known as alpha tocopherol acetate - Is an anti-inflammatory agent which is good for skin calming, sunburn, erythema (skin reaction that can be triggered by an infection or some medicines) and edema (swelling caused by too much fluid trapped in the body's tissues).

    Vitamin B1 - also known as thiamine - provides energy to the cells. Which is useful for cell growth when it acts in synergy with vitamin B6

    Vitamin B3 - also known as niacinamide - Is an antioxidant, sebum (a sticky oily substance the body produces in order to keep the skin moisturised) regulator. Which means this is perfect for acne. It also helps build cells in the skin while also protecting them from environmental stresses, such as sunlight, pollution, and toxins.

    Vitamin B8 - also known as biotin - This helps to improve skin's hydration, smoothness, and appearance.

    Vitamin C - also known as ascorbic acid - AN ABSOULTE FAVOURITE FOR SKIN. ...this is by far the best skin ingredient EVER, it is amazing as

    provides hydration.

    brightens the skin.

    reduce redness.

    reduce hyperpigmentation.

    reduce the appearance of under-eye circles.

    promotes collagen production.

    help prevent sagging.

    protect against sun damage.

    soothe sunburns.

    help wound healing.

    A course of 5 treatments recommended for best results 

    30 minutes, £100.00

  • Piercings

    We have a wide range of piercings available to you, please feel free to get in contact with us should you have any questions. 


  • Show all 19 services

  • Ear Lobe

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    15 minutes, £20.00

  • Ear Lobes

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £35.00

  • Tragus

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £30.00

  • Industrial Consultation

    The purpose of this booking is so that you can discuss the options around having an industrial piercing with our piercer.

    Industrial piercings are subject to each individual and their ear anatomy.

    15 minutes, £0.00

  • Helix

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £30.00

  • Forward Helix

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £30.00

  • Double Forward Helix

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £45.00

  • Daith

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £32.00

  • Rook

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £32.00

  • Conch

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £30.00

  • Nostril

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £25.00

  • Septum

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £45.00

  • Eyebrow

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £30.00

  • Nipple

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £35.00

  • Nipples

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £55.00

  • Navel

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £30.00

  • Snake Bite

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant.
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £45.00

  • Tongue

    Your Treatment will include:

    • An appointment time of approximately 30 minutes.
    • An experienced piercer.
    • A titanium grade implant as well as downsize. 
    • Personalised aftercare advice, tailored to you.

    30 minutes, £45.00

  • The Ashley Piercing

    30 minutes, £30.00

  • Ear Irrigation

  • Show all 2 services

  • 3 - Way Ear Irrigation

    45 minutes, £50.00

  • Consultation - Ear Irrigation

    15 minutes, £0.00

  • PRP Treatments

    Platelet-rich plasma treatemnts 

  • Show all 2 services

  • PRP Facial Rejuvenation

    What is a PRP Facial Rejuvenation?

    A PRP facial rejuvenation, also known as a vampire facial, is an advanced skincare treatment method that harnesses your body’s own natural power to heal itself. It is often called a vampire facial because it involves drawing your blood. Your blood is made up of four primary components: red blood cells, white blood cells, plasma and platelets.

    When the platelets in the plasma are concentrated, magic happens. To achieve concentrated levels of platelets in plasma, all four components of your blood are separated by density. Then, the platelets are injected into the plasma, excluding the red and white blood cells.

    45 minutes, £75.00

  • PRP Hair Rejuvenation Treatment

    PRP involves drawing a small amount of your blood, placing your blood into a machine that separates it into parts, and then injecting one part of your blood (the plasma) into the area with hair loss.


    The entire procedure takes about 60 minutes and usually doesn't require any downtime.

    1 hour, £100.00

  • Consultation

  • Show all 2 services

  • Consultation Appointment- Therapist Authorisation Only

    we require a non refundable consultation fee of £10 to secure appointment that is redeemable on treatment if you should decide to book in. 

    15 minutes, £10.00

  • Consultation Sclerotheraphy

    sclerotheraphy is treatment of blood vessels by injection of an irritant which causes inflamation,coagulation of blood and narrowing of the blood veesel wall of thread veins and spider veins .

    15 minutes, £0.00

  • Eye Treatments

  • Show all 4 services

  • Jalupro (2 Treatments)

    30 minutes, £150.00

  • Lumi Eyes

    Lumi Eyes is a high quality treatment which offers deep hydration and rejuvenation to the eye area by effectively reducing signs of fatigue such as dark circles, restoring lost volume, and smoothing fine lines and wrinkles.

    we are offering this at only £100 introductory offer 

    30 minutes, £100.00

  • Derma Eye 2.0

    Anti-bag and dark circles complete treatment .
    compete cocktain for the treatment of the delicate contour eye area, thanks to the special composition and combination of biometric peptides, amino acids and natural extracts such haxapeptide 30.

    Derma-Eye visably reduces dark circles and eye bags, giving brightness apperience to the eye area. 

    A course of 2-4 treatment may be needed, 2 weeks apart. 
    Price is £100 per treatment or buy a course of 3 treatments for £260.


    30 minutes, £100.00

  • Derma Bio Eye

    Complete biorevilalizing  anti age effect treatment.

    formulated to act on all signs of aging using 3 different types of hyaluronic acid at different molecular weights (high,medium,low ) vitamins A-B-C-E amino acids ,peptides,sodium DNA and anti oxidents in order to improve to improve the skins quality improving hydration,texture ,elasticity and tonicity 

    a course of 2-4 treatments maybe needed 2 weeks apart .

    £100 per treatment or course of 3 £260

    30 minutes, £100.00

  • Skin Boosters

  • Show all 4 services

  • Sunekos (2 Treatments)

    30 minutes, £200.00

  • Profhilo

    Price per treatment

    30 minutes, £170.00

  • Skin Boosters

    Skin Boosters increase the levels of hydration in the skin and stimulate the production of collagen,  improving fine lines and wrinkles, producing firmer and younger looking skin. 

    15 minutes, £50.00

  • Skin Boosters for Hands

    Skin Boosters increase the levels of hydration in the skin and stimulate the production of collagen,  improving fine lines and wrinkles, producing firmer and younger looking skin. 

    15 minutes, £80.00

  • Fat Dissolvers

  • Show all 2 services

  • Fat Dissolving Injections (per Vial)

    Under chin (1 vial)

    Arms (1 vial)

    Tummy (2 vials)

    30 minutes, £50.00

  • Lemon Bottle Fat Dissolve

    Chin area £75

    upper arms £150

    love handles £200

    bra bulge £150

    inner thighs £150  Outer thighs £150 

    stomach £200 

    30 minutes, from £75.00

  • IVNT - Intravenous Vitamin Nutritional Therapy

    IVNT stands for Intravenous Vitamin Nutrient Therapy, which is a treatment that involves infusing sterile solutions of vitamins, minerals, and other naturally occurring nutritive substances directly into the bloodstream.

  • Intravenous Vitamin Nutritional Therapy

    1 hour, £90.00

  • Vitamin and Allergy Treatments

  • Show all 4 services

  • B12 Supplement Injection

    15 minutes, £20.00

  • Hayfever Relief Injection

    15 minutes, £20.00

  • Vitamin C Injection

    15 minutes, £20.00

  • Biotin

    15 minutes, £25.00

  • Removals

  • Removal of Moles, Warts and Skin Tags

    30 minutes, from £40.00

  • Body Sculpt

  • Show all 2 services

  • Ultra Sonic Caviation




    45 minutes, £50.00

  • Ultrasonic Cavitation + Radio Frequency

    Whether you want to remove Belly fat ,thigh,arm,hip ,chin or back fat ,Ultrasonic  cavitation with rf is the breakthrough treatment for you !!!! 

    These treatments combined targets fat and tightens skin at the same time .

    45 minutes, £50.00

  • Derma 2.0

  • Show all 3 services

  • Derma Repair

    Scar and Strech mark regeneration .

    clinically proven to increase collagen and elastin production (the skins elasticity) 

    D-pantenol also kmown as b5 - this is a skin protectant with anti -inflammatory properties  can help skins hydration ,elatiscity and smooth  appearance 

    This treatment can be injected or micro needled into the skin . 

    a course of 3-4 treatments is recommended and can be done 7-10 days apart 

    45 minutes, £100.00

  • Derma Lifting

    Powerful cocktail based on highly concentrated active substances such as: Argireline 5% (acetyl hexapeptide-8) and Leuphasyl (pentapeptide-18) 5%. This product effects are like botox and significantly reduce the contraction of the mimic muscles responsible in dynamic wrinkle formation. Leuphasyl enhances the action of Argireline.

    The Botox alternative for natural, long lasting results. The versatility of use makes the Derma-Lifting cocktail the trump card for professionals who want concrete, satisfying and lasting results 

    A course of 3 treatments is recommended for best results 2 weeks apart .

    £100 per treatment or buy a course of 3 for £260 

    40 minutes, £100.00

  • Derma Firming

     This is a powerful cocktail based on highly concentrated active substances such as: Organic silicon and DMAE for a strong firming action, an innovative patented restructuring complex of biomimetic peptides “Rejuline Complex ™”, high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid with moisturising action and essential amino acids (Hydroxyproline, Proline, Lysine, Glycine, Acetylcysteine) to provide the necessary nourishment.
    The loss of tone on face and body is due to multiple endogenous and exogenous factors. Over time, fibroblasts slow down their activity resulting in a decreasing in the production of collagen and elastin. Not only the number, but also the size of structural proteins decrease. In this way a real thinning of the dermis is obtained which has as a direct consequence a structural failure.

    A course of 5 treatments is recommend for best results . 
    Buy a course of 5 and save £100 

    40 minutes, £100.00

  • Spray Tan

  • Spray Tan

    Get an all over even natural looking tan any time of the year !!! 
    Please wear loose dark clothing to your appointment ❤️

    15 minutes, £20.00

  • Sclerotherapy

  • Sclerotheraphy

    sclerotheraphy is treatment of blood vessels by injection of an irritant which causes inflamation,coagulation of blood and narrowing of the blood veesel wall of thread veins and spider veins .


    45 minutes, from £130.00

  • Lashes With Brianna

  • Patch Test

    15 minutes, £0.00

  • Services

  • Hybrid Lashes

    3 hours 30 minutes, £22.00

  • 0 services selected

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